Transport Marketing
Luge, S.J
01 December 2021
The Influence of Marketing Skills Training on Small and Medium Enterprises Export Performance in Tanzania
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Marketing skills, Small and Medium Enterprises, Training, Export performance
The Government of Tanzania through different institutions has introduced policies and strategies to uplift Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) export performance. Together with a number of strategies developed, the contribution of SMEs to export is still disappointing. Since the literatures indicates that for export firms to perform better in the dynamic global environment, the need to develop market driven strategies is inevitable. Thus, this study focuses on influence of marketing skills training on SME’s export performance. A sample of 60 SMEs Owners/ Managers located in Dar es Salaam was used in this study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. The results from the study indicate that there is significant difference in SMEs export performance on the basis of marketing skills. It therefore, recommends stakeholders in this important sector to establish more interventions of building capacity to SMEs owners/managers on marketing attitudes in order to promote export performance.