Educational Research
Clashon O.
01 June 2018
Environmental and Socio-Economic Effects of Tanzanite Mining Activities in Mererani, Simanjiro District, Tanzania
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Socio-economic Effects, Household economy, Environmental effects, Mining activities, Tanzanite, Tanzania
In Africa, minerals constitute the most valuable exports; however, mining activities have little contribution to the household economy and have adverse effects on the environment. The study on the assessment of the environmental and socio-economic effects of mining activities was done in Mirerani, Simanjiro District, Tanzania. A qualitative approach was employed in this study to analyze the problem under investigation. Purposive sampling and random sampling was used to obtain a sample size of 70 respondents. The collection of data involved questionnaire survey, interview and participants observation. Findings of the study showed that although mining activity is the main stay of the people residing in the district, this activity has meager contribution to the household economy and social development. In addition, deforestation, soil erosion, digging of pits, noise and dust, illegal hunting, flooding and production of rock wastes are the main types of environmental effects of Tanzanite mining activities within the district. This result calls for the Government of Tanzania to revisit the mining investment policies and laws to stimulate the economy and protect the environment surrounding the mining areas. This will increase the household economy of the people in Simanjiro district at the same time conserving the surrounding environment for the benefit of the country.